Inner Opulence

The Opulent Dimension

The Opulent Dimension ☆

Featured Home Essentials

Indulge in the comfort of your self-love while truly celebrating your joy! Our crushed velvet blanket is the perfect addition to any home. Add a touch of elegance and warmth to your space while embracing who you are!

The Inner Opulence

Empowerment Experience

Inner Opulence says, “I am grateful to be all of me.” No apologies or hesitations needed. Wearing this vest makes you feel like a queen; it’s unapologetically radiant in its beauty. It is the armor we wear that says to the world, “I am bonafide from the inside out.”

- Dr. Jax Black

Intentionality Matters.

Elevate your space of peace with a tufted floor pillow that beautifully blends comfort and style. Inspired by our multiple, opulent floral designs from each frequency.

Inner Opulent Joy Wear

We proudly & joyfully present

Deeper Opulence

Newly Added!

“Expanse Across” Galaxy Set

Deeper opulence extends throughout the galaxy. In a world darkened by ego and excessive fear, we choose to soar into love. Breathe. And let there be light.


Discover another frequency.